Innovative Environmental Life Solutions

Now located in Boise, Idaho, Dorband & Associates (D&A) was founded in 1976 by the then young entrepreneur, Dr. Wayne Dorband, to specialize in providing research, development partnership and consulting for projects having unique environmental characteristics. Initially D&A became the umbrella company for an innovative contaminated property consulting business (today Atlas, Inc.), a forensic like (picture CSI forty years ago) analytical laboratory (ATC – took public in 1984), an aquatic consulting company (Aquanalysis, Inc.), and several other entities. Almost fifty years later, Dr. Dorband still operates D&A as an umbrella venture for a fluid group of businesses.

Our headquarters has historically been at the picture-book Mountain Sky Ranch, located in the shadows of Rocky Mountain National Park. We have recently moved back to the beautiful Boise, Idaho area. D&A is one of a number of companies operating under the branding of the Center for Ecolonomic Excellence and Development (CEED).

We are home to the now famous 501C3 Not-for-Profit Institute of Ecolonomics (IOE), founded by the late actor and environmental leader, Dennis Weaver. We are environmental visionaries that know the world will be a better place if we persist in looking for opportunities to promote sustainability and regeneration. Our primary goal is to “help people make a little money making the planet better” – ECOLONOMICS!

We conduct environmental assessments, create and launch ventures that regenerate the planet, manage complex environmental projects, advise leading real estate developers and partner with innovative partners in a variety of endeavors.

A great example of what we do is illustrated by the picture of the building to the right. This is a now deconstructed sandstone quarry processing building on a property near Cleveland, OH. This building had been abandoned for many years and was a hazard and a nuisance. We first assessed the building for environmental issues, then we deconstructed the building to yield valuable recycled building materials and this site is now being redeveloped as a mixed use community. This is literally turning trash into treasure. We research, educate and demonstrate technologies that can make the planet a better place to live by using a combination of new technologies, environmental expertise, wholistic land and water management and permaculture techniques.

Another example of one of our current passions is the Ecolonomic Action Team Community (EAT Community) – alternative education regarding ecolonomics.  Founded in June 2016, EAT Community offers FREE webinars on almost a daily basis that are presented by world experts in all topics regarding Ecolonomics.  We have grown to almost 40,000 EAT Community Members in less than eight years and you can become one for FREE by just registering for one of our free webinars at

Our exceptional team of professionals can create solutions to challenges that involve air, water, soil and the built environment. We look forward to the next opportunity that you might put in front of us!

Explore this website and sites that are linked to for a better understanding of the variety of ventures in which we are involved.  Come back often to see what might have changed, as we are always exploring new opportunities.

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