Located in Berthoud, Colorado, Dorband & Associates (D&A) was founded in 2005 and specializes in providing research, development partnership and consulting for projects having unique environmental characteristics. We are environmental visionaries that know the world will be a better place if we persist in looking for opportunities to promote sustainability. A great example of what we do is illustrated by the picture of the building to the right. This 277_Fall_2007_149is now a deconstructed sandstone quarry processing building on a property near Cleveland, OH. This building had been abandoned for many years and was a hazard and a nuisance. We deconstructed the building to yield valuable recycled building materials and this site is now being redeveloped as a mixed use community. This is literally turning lemons into lemonade, as they say. We research, educate and demonstrate technologies that can make the planet a better place to live. Our exceptional team of professionals can create solutions to challenges that involve air, water, soil and the built environment. We look forward to the next opportunity that you might put in front of us! Dorband & Associates areas of emphasis include: plant
  • Environmental risk management partnership and consulting with clients on public and private projects involving complex environmental issues.
  • Conceptual commercial production with sustainable indoor agriculture systems (Nourish the Planet).
  • Educational programs involving sustainable agriculture.
  • Research and commercial application of sustainable technology to the aquaculture and renewable energy market.
  • Ownership and operations of sustainable dimensional stone production and sustainable farming businesses (Mountain Sky Ranch).
  • The start of a unique makerspace/hackerspace for “green” business incubation and fun in Northern Colorado (The Warehouse – A Green LaunchPad Hackerspace).
  • Proof of concept commercial operation of sustainable agriculture ranch (Mountain Sky Ranch)
Dorband & Associates has established network relationships with numerous technical and sustainability-related entities. Key MSG staff and partners include designers, construction experts, project managers, business development specialists, stone industry experts, aquaculture professionals and established business leaders. Current Dorband & Associates projects include a variety of ventures both domestically and internationally. These include:
  • Sandstone quarry production and sales in the Western United States.
  • Development of a sustainable agriculture and agritourism project involving pristine water and land resources where outdoor activities including trophy fishing, dog training, trap and skeet shooting, hiking, climbing and others are available on-site.
  • Development of a grain/grass indoor production system (micro-green/fodder production).
  • Aquaculture research and commercial development with marine shrimp, algae for biodiesel production, coral for the aquarium hobbyist industry and sustainable multi-species aquaponic production in super-intensive culture systems.
  • Numerous partnership projects with clients involving public/private partnerships with municipalities around the country.
  • Sustainable living and lifestyle education in the Rocky Mountains and in the Caribbean.
Dorband & Associates approaches all of its projects with an owner mentality, and seeks relationships where there is value added based on the synergies developed and maintained. Mountain Sky Group has strong business development relationships that have been developed with over 35 years of experience, and is always looking to develop new paradigms of development mentality.